Debt Collection
According to several studies, almost one third of bankruptcies caused by outstanding payments!
Externalizing debt collection leaves you with more time to focus on your core business.
SORENCO assists you in claims recovery on a "No cure No pay" basis.
Sorenco undertakes three-step actions::
• Amicable phase:
✔ Debtors information and evaluation: debt payment ability.
✔ Formal-notice letter sending.
✔ Phone calls and visits to the debtors.
✔ Second formal-notice letter sending (more binding one).
✔ Urge debtors for payment.
Court proceedings are introduced unless approved by creditors.
• Pre-legal measures:
✔ Sending a notice by way of notarial officer.
• Court proceedings :
✔ Court proceedings management on the basis of a proxy signed by the creditor for the benefit of Sorenco.
✔ Intervention with the designated lawyer for case follow-up.
✔ Tight case follow-up with judicial authorities:
• Cour de première instance (Trial Court )
• Cour d’appel (Court of Appeal)
• Cour de cassation (Supreme court)
✔ Help enforce the judgment:
Pressure on the debtor to pay his debts.
Properties seizures.
Request police assistance to enforce judgement execution.
(Client will be charged with legal fees)